Saturday, January 12, 2008

Puerto Limon, Costa Rica

Puerto Limon, Costa Rica

After slowly moving through the Panama Canal, we accelerated to our normal cruising speed of 18 knots and headed north up the Caribbean coast to Puerto Limon, Costa Rica. Around 1 AM we dropped anchor until morning when the pilot boarded and we finally began our entrance about 9 AM. It was a beautiful, sunny day and we were welcomed by the sight of sand, surf and palm trees.

I was surprised to see two cruise ships at the dock since we typically arrive at commercial ports, far from the cruise ship terminals. This was a good thing because that meant there would be good public transportation for Martha. She had booked a flight from San Jose, Costa Rica on the following day to ensure that she could get to New York in time to fly to India on the 25th. So, last night was our last dinner together and this morning she said a tearful goodbye to everyone. She will especially be missed by all the crew who we all have had such a good time with. We didn’t get to know them as well as the former crew but they were all great fun. In a few days we will also be saying goodbye, when we reach our final destination of Houston.

A short taxi ride took us to the bus terminal where Martha was able to get a 2 ½ hour express bus to San Jose where she’ll stay until her early morning flight on the 21st. Doug and I continued on with the taxi to a surf-side restaurant where we dined on broiled lobster, beans & rice and fried plantain - a real treat. Our driver stayed with us and took us to do some shopping, for specific items, before returning us to the dock. I stayed ashore to stroll the shops for local treasures and a few postcards and also treated myself to a pedicure (two treats in one day). At one shop, I met a little boy (helping in his father’s business) selling cans of macadamia nuts and post cards. After buying some of each I then asked if he had stamps. First he said yes but when he went to get them, told me he was very sorry but the people from the cruise ships bought all the stamps. Just then, his father appeared and said if I wanted to give him my post card, he would have more stamps the next day and would mail my card. I said “Well, I haven’t written it yet.” and the little boy said “Come around the counter and sit down and you can write it now.” He was so cute. So, I addressed the card to our two young grandsons, Zach (6) and Taylor (9), and suddenly had a thought. I said, “Can you write English? Would you write the message on the card?” He shyly said “I guess so. What should I write?” I said “Write whatever you like”. So he wrote: My name is Alex. I am 8 years old. I live in Puerto Limon, Costa Rica. And he wrote his phone number. I thanked him but explained that they might not call him, but if he would give me his address they might write a letter. He said: “Or maybe a postcard!” What a cutie he was. (See photo below of Alex writing the post card)

Nothing was being loaded on the ship here, we were simply off loading lots of new refrigerator containers, which we were told will be used to ship Costa Rican cantaloupe to the U.S., so we departed that night. It was great to be back in the tropics.

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